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5 Healthy Habits For Good Health

I have 5 healthy habits that have helped me with my mental health and physical health. As Mom’s we all want the best for everyone in our families and we want the best for ourselves. It’s a tough balancing act. I find that I am always prioritizing everyone else’s health over my own. But these 5 habits have helped me put myself first again.

What is a healthy habit?

We can have all sorts of habits, biting our nails, twirling our hair, reaching for our phone… But healthy habits are intentional and the purpose is to benefit us in a positive way. Healthy habits are formed when you choose to be disciplined and intentional with your actions and choices.

5 Healthy Habits

Wake Up Earlier

This is a tough one because I am a night owl. But when I wake up even 10 minutes before my kids to get ready, make coffee, drink a tall glass of cold juice and start my day, I feel on top of it. I feel ready for anything. I don’t feel rushed or feel like I’m chasing my kids around to get out the door. I’ve intentionally put myself first to get hair done, make up on, outfit on and ready for anything.

Do The Hardest Tasks First

If getting up earlier is your hardest task, AMAZING. You’re already conquering the day! A hard task for me is getting motivated to go exercise! So on gym days (twice a week) I go to the gym right after I drop my daughter off at school. I don’t check emails, I don’t scroll on Instagram. It takes practice and discipline but you’ll find yourself doing it! Another hard task can just be sitting down to write a proposal or edit a website for a client. When I prioritize the hard tasks and get them done, I feel accomplished knowing that the rest of my tasks will be easier. I have set myself up for success.

Lose the Scarcity Mindset and Focus on an Abundant Mindset

I have a little note in my office that says Enjoy The Little Things to remind me to keep practicing this habit. This is a mental habit, related to my last healthy habit “Practice Gratitude”. I try not to be so hard on myself and on my partner. I am intentional about my self-talk and how I talk to others. An abundance mindset comes from the feeling of security. With an abundant mindset you have a sense of confidence that is tied with the feeling of self worth, this is because you are assured that what you have is enough and that there is more than enough for everyone. For example,

A Scarcity Mindset: “I don’t have enough money to be able to live the life that I want.”

An Abundance Mindset: “I am grateful to have a job, a warm home, and a loving family to share my life with.”

Scarcity Mindset: “I didn’t get the brand partnership that I wanted because I don’t have enough followers on instagram.”

Abundance Mindset: “That job wasn’t the right fit for me and a better opportunity will come along.”

Spend More Time In Nature

Going for walks or just being outside in nature is something that has been GAME CHANGING in the best way, throughout my postpartum and healing journey. Although I’m 10 months postpartum, moving my body and setting aside time to go outside has helped me reset when I’m feeling overwhelmed or tired and it helps put me in a better mood.⁣ That big breath of fresh air just blows all the cobwebs out of my brain and wakes me up! Spending time in nature is the health break that I look forward to everyday. It can be quick, like going outside for my morning coffee, a quick run to the gym in our complex or a health break can be longer like biking with the kids, or walking through the trails near our house. This daily habit is so good!

Practice Gratitude

At the end of each day I practice Gratitiude. 10 minutes before falling asleep at night. It just feels like a good ending to any kind of day.

In my head I can list things like being thankful for my husband, thankful for my kids, thankful for my family, thankful for the home we’ve made, thankful to live in a good neighbourhood, thankful for my health. OR it could be more specific, like today I’m thankful for the co-worker that stepped up and covered for me, thankful for the guy in line, waiting for his food who helped me clear a table at A&W so my daughter and I could enjoy our lunch, thankful for the lady who gave me a genuine encouraging smile when she saw my 2-year-old daughter having a tantrum at the store, thankful that we can afford gas right now!

Some people keep a gratitude journal and others make a list in their heads. I list it off in my head, but it’s nice to write it down and see it. This is a practice for a reason. Somedays it’s hard to think of 10 things to be grateful for, but as you do it more often, finding 10 things to be grateful for (small & big) become easier.

Read: How To Practice Gratitude

Thank you to Oasis Canada for encouraging me to write this post.

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Amanda Breen
Amanda Breen

Amanda is a writer, photographer, videographer and a content creator with a passion for sharing stories. With her family of 5, they share experiences, tips and ideas that empower Moms to make memories with their families right here in British Columbia.

Find me on: Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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