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I’m Pregnant with Baby No. 2!

There are so many exciting things happening over here at our house! We’ve been living in our new neighbourhood for 1 year and love it. Mikayla just celebrated her 2nd birthday with a Paw Patrol Pool Pawty, surrounded by most of our family and friends. She’s been loving her routine at home with Dad while I’m at work and then off to Lola’s house or Grandma’s house for a couple days while we’re at work. And now I’m pregnant with Baby #2!

How We Found Out I Was Pregnant

I took a pregnancy test on June 14th around 10:30 pm. Chris ran out and bought it. I peed on the stick, turned it over so I couldn’t see the result, and after a few minutes both Chris and I turned it over, right side up to look at it at the same time. And there it was… two blue lines to form a cross.

I had a feeling I was pregnant before taking this test because I looked and felt bloated all the time. I kind of felt nauseous after eating and I was just tired all the time! I didn’t feel like my regular self.

How This Pregnancy Feels Different Than The First

The first two months of my pregnancy were a little tough. I’ve felt as though I’ve been MIA! I wasn’t motivated to do much, I felt chronically tired and I felt nauseous after eating. Similar to my pregnancy with Mikayla, I am hungry ALL THE TIME. I eat and eat and eat. BUT I didn’t really enjoy it because I’d always feel sick after. Smells also made me nauseous. I couldn’t stand the smell of my own sweat! And my sweat changed! I guess the hormones my body was producing made me smell! I tried a whole bunch of different deodorants and antiperspirants and they all made me nauseous except for one! I splurged and I’m using Saje’s Deodorant spray in Exotic. The smell isn’t strong and it’s the only one that’s not making me smell like an old man.

I feel dramatic, but being so tired made me feel really down. How do I get out of this “funk”? Will I get out of this? Is this the new “normal”? I didn’t know how to feel better and I didn’t know how to explain myself since it was so early on in my pregnancy. It almost felt very lonely.

Going to work was tough for the first two months. Our office was getting painted and the carpets were getting changed. I would stay in my office or leave for lunch or go on walks just so I wouldn’t feel to gross. All these symptoms were so new to me because when I was pregnant with Mikayla, I didn’t feel any of these things at all!

How This Pregnancy Feels Familiar

This might be weird to say, but I loved being pregnant with Mikayla, and I love this pregnancy… now that I’m in my second trimester and thankfully not nauseous or as tired anymore! It was like I woke up right on the third month and all of a sudden felt better and felt like I had a whole new kind of energy.

I love this bump. When I was pregnant with Mikayla I showed right away too. I had a bump right from the beginning and it got big! I loved it. It’s amazing how the body just makes room for this tiny baby and how it provides a home for this baby. I just feel like I know what to expect this time around. Whereas before I went with the flow and didn’t know what to expect. Now I kind of have an idea of what to expect and I’m excited about it. I can’t wait to feel the little baby kicks and feel the baby move around in there. It makes this experience so special.

Does Mikayla Know?

I think Mikayla kind of knows. When we ask her “where’s Mommy’s baby?”, she points to herself! Then I ask “where’s Mommy’s other baby?” and she points to my belly button. She also kisses my belly and pats it. She says “mommy’s baby”. I don’t think she knows that this baby will come out and live with us yet.

How’s Zoey with this Pregnancy?

Just like my first pregnancy, I think Zoey knew before I even knew I was pregnant. She was very clingy to me when I was pregnant with Mikayla. She wanted to sit in my lap all the time or be near my belly. As I got bigger, she would rest her head near my belly as if she were listening to the movement inside.

There was even one time she insisted on sitting in my lap while I was sitting in the passenger seat in our car. She moved the baby in my belly and pushed her way into a nice spot on my lap. It wasn’t very comfortable… lol.

This time around, Zoey is the same. She wants to sit close to me and when we go for walks, she won’t move till Mikayla and I are ahead of her.

I can’t wait to share more about this journey with you. My first pregnancy, I, unfortunately, didn’t take a lot of photos of myself. This time I’m hoping to enjoy every moment of this pregnancy as if it’s my last. Pregnancy is such a beautiful thing and our bodies do amazing things. I love seeing pregnant women with their cute bumps. The bigger the better! Everyone’s pregnancy experiences are different, I love hearing your stories, so feel free to share!

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Amanda Breen
Amanda Breen

Amanda is a writer, photographer, videographer and a content creator with a passion for sharing stories. With her family of 5, they share experiences, tips and ideas that empower Moms to make memories with their families right here in British Columbia.

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